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We Go in Service

First Things First - Zion supports a number of causes through the ELCA such as Young Adults in Global Ministry , world hunger and disaster relief as well as local groups like EWALU Bible Camp, Lutheran Services in Iowa, and three different food banks locally with our First Things First ministry. A percentage of our congregations's monthly income is given in God's service.

Wednesday Community Meal - We host a community meal at Zion from September through May on Wednesdays from 5:30 to 6:00 before our evening classes and practices. You do not have to be a member to join us for food and fellowship. Everone is welcome!  A small donation is requested. 

Caring Visitors - Caring Visitors are people who have offered to make visits for conversation and care. Caring Visitors are trained to maintain a confidential relationship with homebound, nursing home residents, grieving, new parents, or hospitalized members. They will offer prayer, share news of the congregation's life, and talk about ways the congregation can help and support their care receiver.

Women's Ministry - ZLCW
Zion Lutheran Church Women meet for fellowship and Bible study every month except July and August.  We have afternoon and evening groups available.  Several months of the year, a group of ladies meet at the church every 
Monday morning for "Do Day" and construct quilts and put together kits for Lutheran World Relief.   The hard-working ladies do the wonderful work they do to bless so many! The ZLCW also sponsors an annual holiday cookie walk.  They also help support EWALU Bible Camp's annual quilt auction, quilts for international students at Upper Iowa University and our adopted church in Ethiopia.

Elizabeth Abebe, Ethiopia - Since 2003, Zion has helped to support the missions of our special friend, Elizabeth Abebe in Ethiopia, who oversees a Good Samaritan Training Center teaching and educating girls and young women and enabling them to support themselves and their families and Light House Schools for K-3 students providing education and food support.